Great guide!
Adult, left, English et français
Great guide!
This is especially bad because climate change will increase the mutations and spreading of new deadly diseases, whether it came from melted permafrost or zoonosis from contact with livestock or wildlife. This decreases the power to fight that.
After starting meds, it made me way more sensitive to having my routine thrown off for some reason. I just took a vacation and I was all over the place mentally and not able to enjoy it like I should have. I get overwhelm, sensory overload, and I just wanna go home back to my comfort zone. I didn’t used to feel like that before when it was zoloft instead (but had to stop zoloft for other reasons).
Yeah as soon as I kept scrolling upon endless titties and ass, I had to block NSFW fully, which is annoying because sometimes non-porn things are NSFW. But I can’t keep playing whack-a-mole with every single hetero straight-male-gazey porn community.
Also little vent: when I do want to look at porn, can I just say how annoying it is that this same cookie cutter hetero porn always outnumbers everything else 1,000 to 1? I would have to filter out sooo much crap that turns me off to find little bits of what I actually want. Eventually, I gave up on visual porn and have resorted to erotica on ArchiveOfOurOwn, because that’s the only place on the internet with a mostly female gaze it seems. paywall
At first I was like wtf is with this author. I’m millenial/gen z and even I remember what we did. TV, books, and calling your friends on your wired phone attached to the wall.
But as I read the article, I kinda get it. There was a ton of down time and boredom. However, I disagree that the nothingness was this horrible thing. I think the “nothing ever happens” is what our brains handle much better than “there’s too much happening.”
Our brains literally can’t process the firehose of information streaming into our eyeballs 24/7 365. It starts to go in your eyes and right out your ears. My memory is shit now. I’m forgetting important stuff because it keeps getting deleted to make room for more garbage data like endless dank memes and posts. I think the nothingness, along with REM sleep (which is also disrupted by screens), is what’s needed to help process and therefore retain new information.
I’m trying to spend less time on screens because it feels like dementia and it’s freaking me out.
How’s the healthcare over there?
Glad they sorted out the air, but I hope that those who were affected can get help for the lung damage sustained after all those years of breathing it in.
I think they’re astroturf bots.
Also I love a traditional hot fudge sundae. Vanilla, hot fudge, whipped cream, cherry on top. Nothing ever beats it.
Wow now I want one of those
Because of this, living in a rural area meant I was stuck in the house, and with both parents working full-time it got lonely. My school was like a prison. Most of my daily life was controlled and monitored. This led to me finding escape in the unfiltered Internet of the 2000s, only because my parents weren’t technically literate enough to restrict it and I could hide what I was doing. Things are even worse today now that they’ve caught on.
Kids need more freedom :/
It’s really hard to visualize since our entire modern life is built upon unsustainable things. Like all the stuff extracted to build cars, even if it doesn’t burn oil it’s still a lot to make batteries. All the stuff that goes into building and maintaining houses. You need things like plastic covering to keep food from going bad. All the stuff needed to make computers. We can make less of them but we can’t just stop or tons of people die. I feel this world has trapped us in our ways. How do we actually do this before it all just collapses?
Almost sounds like ADHD, which can be misdiagnosed as depression/anxiety OR can lead to those two things due to such cognitive dysfunctions and emotional dysregulation. It’s interesting they mention guanfacine too, as I’ve heard that can be used to help with ADHD.
Joined a RuneScape clan as a kid. They had made their own forum site. I posted only in bright pink by wrapping my text in [color=#f19] [/color] or something. And of course we all had cool signatures lol. They had an IRC channel too that I hung out on all the time. To this day we’re still together, just on Discord now. I like to think of them as my Internet Family.
Wow I hate everything about that. It needs to be made illegal.
Thank you for your service
It may seem like “jumping to an extreme response” but once you’ve had enough experience in online forums you can see the storm clouds forming from a mile away, and you know you’re just better off with an immediate ban to nip it in the bud before it inevitably turns into a huge problem. People without experience see mods doing this and think they’re too heavy-handed, but it’s just basic internet etiquette to keep things friendly and clean.
I personally saw a few red flags, gave the admin the benefit of the doubt, but when the issue was raised enough to him, and he failed to ban the offenders, I knew exactly where it was heading and just packed up and left. The nicer places will move too eventually once they see enough of it.
It’s always a joke until it’s not anymore. It’s why places like 4chan led to the creation of QAnon and real-world white supremacist terrorism. Even on, the mod of the Trump community insists it’s all just “ironic”. But I’ve heard that before and it never stays that way.
That’s why I left that instance. I tried to explain the paradox of tolerance but they refused to listen. They didn’t want “censorship” of their “free speech”. I don’t have the patience to watch people learn the same lesson that has been learned over and over again all throughout history, in millions of different contexts. It’s always the same thing that will happen because sheeps keep thinking it’s “healthy” to have “discussions” with “dissenting” hungry wolves.
You’re right about the spam, volunteer moderators are helpless against it if they decide to spawn thousands of instances and accounts to attack. A whitelist instead of blacklist style of federation might be necessary now. I just hope it doesn’t create too small of a bubble or certain large instances start to monopolize, like the way e-mail went.
Nice!! I used some of mine to cover up the Conclave window so I can pretend it doesn’t exist. 😎
Like another commenter said, attracting insects can help, by providing food for pollinators and other bugs which also help feed smaller animals which then feed larger animals etc. Never ever use herbicide/pesticide, or artificial fertilizer. (For example, anything with glyphosate in it will kill anything with permeable skin in the area. Salamanders will die from levels even below EPA standards of safe drinking water.) If you need fertilizer use compost.
Even better: kill your lawn. Let native wildflower species take over. If it all turns to clover, you don’t even have to mow it.
The main problem is our economic system which demands infinite, unsustainable profit and expansion, so at the very least get the conversation going on that. I know it’s impossible for an individual to fight the whole world, but that’s why organizing is important. You must build a large enough group to become a force for change.
In the meantime, since we aren’t ready to kill capitalism, make your own space as much of a sanctuary as it can be.