Rory Butler Music

Musician, producer and audio engineer!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Partner is a teacher in a deprived area and parents have physically engaged with teachers on more than one occasion.

    But even in my job which has a publicly known phone number people are finding it perfectly reasonable to shout down the phone despite nothing having gone wrong with their process.

    People are getting more aggressive and it’ll be a mixture of things. Partially cos everything is fucked, but also, certainly in my case, things like Amazon have changed people’s expectations. They get something the next day, if they don’t like it they get a voucher no questions asked, or if they want they can scam the system.

    Works fine for Amazon, doesn’t work fine of you try to force that business model onto already stretched public services. If they’re told their kid isn’t behaving or performing they’ll go on the attack and act like a shitty customer rather than a parent.

  • UK.

    Everyone’s struggling. I can only speak for shy of 30 years ago (30 years old). But people can’t stay afloat or get started.

    Jobs are fucked. They’re either entry level/service/retail jobs that pay nothing. Qualified or technical jobs that are paid less than 25k (I saw jobs requesting experience in coding languages and complex IT functions for around 23k) Then anything that pays more than 28k (still not enough to live on) has “senior” or “managing” in the title, requires experienced or qualifications that could single handedly run a business.

    It feels like places are forcing more work onto individual people rather than hiring more people and spreading the work around.

    I’m only at 24k and doing administrative work, Web dev, marketing, data management and some more technical stuff relating to the industry. But look at what’s available and I’m not suitably equipped to get anything with a higher salary. Even when I am, the response tends to be a negative despite being quite strong at applying. Presumably the competition is that strong.

    Otherwise, collectively with my partner, we have nearly 60k income. We could secure a mortgage, but we can’t scrape together a house deposit. Even then the monthly repayments would be crazy high and inflation would screw us.

    Both firm adults and living with parents despite having secure and intensive jobs. Can’t get anywhere even with budgeting so tightly that enjoyment money is very limited. My savings have started being eaten into for the first time as of this past month, so I’m walking into living off negative money.

    When I look around I’m actually not in that bad a situation compared to some. But then others are living the dream.

    Feels like the lows and the highs are so wide here right now. Where when I was growing up, my dad was a postman then a private courier and my mum a cleaner and we were fine, not well off, but didn’t live that differently to our middle class friends.

    Moving on my mum took three menial jobs when we left my dad, but still paid rent and we never went without.

    Don’t really understand it all, but it seems that its all going to shit.

  • The wording was a tad dramatic.

    I can afford to eat. But I can’t afford housing and any enjoyment comes with guilt from knowing itll have a knock on effect to my finances. I’m living with a parent (who similarly struggles to pay bills)

    It’s more a case of finding it hard to hit the bills and not being able to see a future where I’m comfortable.

    I’d say it’s mostly due to the cost of living rather than the pay. 10 years ago I’d be doing quite well, but the pay grades haven’t changed to meet inflation or accommodate for the high cost of living.

  • I have a public service job.

    Can’t afford to live, get shouted at by callers irrelevant to my role each day just cos I am at a phone, can’t work from home despite the whole organisation doing so, higher paid people throw their workload at me cos they don’t want to do it.

    Feels no different from when i was in the private sector really.

  • I think its cos he’s found success without being technically “good” at the instrument. He’s become massive off a kinda garage band sound and relatively sloppy live work, and dudes who are more technical proficient are probably a bit bitter.

    But then I haven’t heard of much hate on Jack White really. I’ve heard negative comments about his playing but usually his songwriting is well received.

  • With the approach you have now, just keep adding and taking away the layers gradually. Dynamic change can be as good as melodic/harmonic change.

    If I’m doing a track with one chord progression, I’ll change the way its played on a hook section. Maybe one part will have longer sustained chords and another more rhythmic/staccato.

    Or I’ll go with more variety and have different chords for verses, choruses bridges and pre choruses.

    For melodies specifically, utilising a theme that you then build on can be great. Starting with the main theme and then keeping the same rhythm of the melody with different notes (like the imperial march from star wars does) or utilising the same notes with differences to rhythm, or enhancing with extra notes involved.

  • We went here a couple years back.

    Drove to Woodhenge (a lot less impressive, but cool and you actually get to walk around the henge itself) then took a 40 minute stroll through some fields to get to a public footpath that was about a metre away from the paid stonehenge footpath.

    Was really nice, we sat down, had some snacks and admired the henge.

    Then later on our trip we passed through Avebury which is essentially a village surrounded by a henge. Massive rocks that you can touch, sit on, whatever.

    Few tips for any stonehenge tourists! There’s a lot of history in that area.