• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • In China gibst für sowas keine Strafe, besonders nicht in der Praxis. Sie werden das technisch gestalten und überlassen das dann als Moralkompass den Eltern. Es ist etwa so ähnlich wie wir Deutschen Spießer häufig die Gesetze als Moralkompass benutzen, manchmal auch selbst erfundene Gesetze aus Wahnvorstellung

    In China gibt es ja die große Firewall. Trotzdem sind Millionen Chinesen auf Instagram und Reddit unterwegs. Niemand juckt es wenn du ein VPN benutzt und niemand wird bestraft. Das liegt nicht an Unfähigkeit, sondern ist gewollt. China sperrt während Nationalfeiertagen alle ausländischen und inländischen VPNs. An normalen Tagen sind nur sehr wenige VPNs in China gesperrt. Wer will bekommt auch Zugriff auf ausländische Medien.

  • ITT: almost noone admits they like they “power” and the replacement of a career which they lack irl. Barely anyone with a demanding career has time for this unpaid shit, especially with family.

    I secured some subs to ensure I can powertrip against people on reddit. I dont have time to fully mod them so will get some janitor mods do the work while I can powertrip once in awhile (not main acc)

  • Microsoft gaming strategy does benefit gamers. Which counteracts the problem of losing a competitor.

    Microsoft doesnt care about profits on single products much compared to the grand strategy they follow. For example AoE4 and all the aoe franchise doesnt really give a lot of profit Microsoft would care about, yet they keep investing and updating it bc they like it and like the strategic benefit.

    Not caring as strictly about profit means you dont get as many greedy microtransactions and more balanced approaches. The game pass is also a really cheap deal if you play variety

  • Sweden currently would be in a perfect selfish situation.

    Norway and Finland are in. So sweden cannot be attacked by russia without NATO helping them unless russia only attacks islands. But Sweden has free choice to participate or ignore NATO being attacked.

    Now Sweden has to help NATO wherever they are being attacked.

  • Pulling out the racist card on language topics and being confronted on “I heard from a friend” is hilarious. I think at this point people can just read that your comments are wrong and are no longer easily fooled by misinformation, so it is fine now. I dont need you to admit being wrong. Which barely happens on reddit nor lemmy

  • Facebook and Google was always about friends family and local before any random and stranger interaction becomes relevant.

    Reddit and Lemmy is all about strangers. Oftentimes you dont even want people to know you or care about that. So userbase is way easier to create without feeling as if it was too small.

    Facebook started locally and slowly created circles until the entire world found their friends and families and joined themselves