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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Prices on so many of these mega tech companies (DoorDash, UBER, etc.) have been kept artificially low for years by basically unlimited amount of venture capital.

    They’re following the Walmart model- keep prices stupid low to establish dominance and drive out any competitor. Once there’s nobody left to compete you can jack up the prices to -hopefully- recoup your investment.

    Great for the consumers at first… until their bills come due. Then we get massively screwed over. A tale as old as time…

  • What idiotic Trump COVID policies did he protect you from specifically? The only reason I ask is because a lot of the COVID denier conservatives I have to listen to in my community (deep red state) have repeatedly expressed disappointment in Trump for “trusting the experts” about COVID, pushing the vaccines, or some other nonsense. So it’s interesting to see you express that Trump didn’t do enough to trust the science when I have to repeatedly listen to complain that he followed the science too much. Lol

  • Nobody is mad at the judges or organizers because everyone is aware that the organization and judges had no real choice in the matter. If they publicly stated that she wouldn’t be allowed to compete for not being AFAB they’d become targets for abuse. That fear of abuse and intense criticism is also what led them to pronounce her Queen. They had no real choice in the matter. They had to pronounce her Queen.

    And it’s nothing out of the ordinary. It’s the same reason so few coaches or female college athletes publicly speak out against AMAB athletes playing in college sports. They’re not going to throw away years of training or their careers to just to voice their true opinion on the matter. Because if they do they know they’ll be removed from the team immediately.

    Saying you think the woman in this article perhaps shouldn’t have won the pageant or saying AMAB colligent swimmers should not be completing on the women’s team is not acceptable. It is currently considered a Thoughtcrime by The Party. The nonstop drama surrounding all of this is basically people coming to terms with this fact (and a lot of them are pissed/scared).

  • Is there anyone here not from the US that would care to share what the general vibe is surrounding Ukraine joining NATO? I’d be curious to hear from an “outside” prospective.

    Here in the US the general consensus seems to be “maybe, but NOT now.” People seem apprehensive about it starting WWIII. And Conservatives are frothing at the mouth about how Biden is going to get us all killed in a nuclear war (but that claim is often tossed around basically every election cycle. Trump also was supposedly going to get all of us nuked.)

    The support to continue sending military aid to Ukraine is also wavering in the US. At least among the people. The politicians are still lock-step in line with their support. I’d imagine the people in Europe are still much more in support but I could be wrong?

  • “can barely get sleep right.”

    HOLY YES. I have a Mac for personal use but my work issued laptop is a PC. I’m used to just closing the screen on my Mac and it’s asleep. Battery will hold indefinitely. My work one NEVER goes to sleep correctly. If I don’t completely shut it down it will 100% be dead the next day. Obviously there’s a wide range of PC laptops and not all of them are like that, but it’s the little things like this that drive me insane about PC.