I would add for crypto (as for the stock market): I am happy for you and the gain that allows you to be more financially serene (which should not be obtained with the effort of a monetary investment: financial security should be guaranteed to everyone regardless of economic conditions or the ability / luck to invest money);
however the problem with crypto is that they do not invent anything new from a macroeconomic perspective, it is only the stock market that has found a new way to scam people, that is:
we will call scam any increase in value of anything done to the detriment of another person: the world system is a zero-sum system
we will call scam something that given its fictitious nature < such as crypto, stocks, government bonds> has no or very little correlation with the real economy but has the purpose of convincing investors to lend money.
we will call scam anything that is created with the sole purpose of earning money through the investment of money (therefore considering the economy as a sort of meta-economy), a game that holds up as long as people believe in it, differently from industrial capitalism, the IT one makes it even easier to produce fake wealth: create ever new and less innovative consumer goods (apps, devices, operating systems, etc…) closed in a walled garden and thanks to “capitalism as a service”, sell everything via subscription.
we will call scam any product, physical or not, that requires for its production an amount of resources that is not realistic for the capacities of the planet and is therefore not, in fact, sustainable in the long term
hi! this is a way of reacting to criticism that I feel very often, but this is misleading to me because it does not consider the most important structural factor, that is the environment in which it “grows”, also digitally. you are inhabited since young people to use the pc in a certain way, to use programs in a certain way. for me the FOSS software is a political issue, if it is important that people approach you should mediate through interfaces and beautiful workflows to see (and imo current ones are not beautiful) and easy to adopt for those coming from the most mainstream programs.
if it is believed that the software foss is official remains in the niche in which it is locate (so that people outside the FOSS or should not approach or can do it hard to get used to a new way of using IT means, thus invisible the structural action of society and responsibilities and culpritizing the individual people without doing a collective and broad analysis, typical discussion brought by non-politicized or liberal people) while the rest of society is devoured by multinationals I understand it but I do not agree: I consider it part of a political struggle also anti-capitalist
without translation of the web pages, on ios it is still one of the worst web browsers I have ever tried, I only use it to send web pages on desktop
you’re right about that. I absolutely do not want to make a classist speech in which I think it is right to pour on those who cannot afford or do not have access for any reason to “unprocessed” food or products from a circular market. fuck the rich people with SUVs who have breakfast with fresh fruit, yoga and then a walk in the park. I don’t have time for this literally because of them.
However, I come from Italy and the local products from the markets are cheaper and without packaging, produce less traffic and pay farmers more (and directly) as you eliminate the supermarket intermediaries. similar story for used products like clothes (vinted.com has been used here for a while) between private individuals obviously you use packaging to transport things but at least you are not producing something new that is manufactured by a country in an emerging economy with absurd working hours work and starvation wages (while here there is no longer local-national production).
I think that deindustrialization was also possible collaterally to a cultural discourse in which well-being produces an increasingly greater desire to consume (but it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way). and obviously I’m on lemmy so I’m not a techno-luddite so even on the technological side I believe in software and hardware, repairable, open source, community driven etc… but I certainly don’t blame myself or other people for living in this system.
we just hope to fix things little by little, also through discussions like this
people will start hypothesizing every type of plastic substitute imaginable at the cost of moving the entire Sahara desert to the Pacific Ocean and talking about “Western packaging” vs “Chinese packaging”. my loves, we live in a system that leads us to consume continuously and more and more, what do you think about stopping buying and producing what is not needed?
Non voglio offendere nessunə, ma mi sembra un articolo terribile, dal tono incredibilmente snob e supponente, assume che la violenza sia sbagliata a prescindere (e a differenza dell’autorə non voglio ridicolizzare un pensiero etico-politico che non condivido) senza, mi sembra, un contributo critico di nessun tipo, o nessun commento interessante; solo, viene infantilizzata la corrente anarchica “violenta”, incapace di pensare soluzioni che sarebbero alla portata di “un bambino di dieci anni” (un commento davvero allucinante, un “punzecchiamento” piuttosto infantile imo) Immagino che molte persone alla Federazione Anarchica Informale abbiano più di dieci anni, così come siano più che bambinə le persone a cui fanno riferimento come pensatricə filosofichə, politichə, etc…
come persona che si muove sempre in bici, a volte a piedi e che ha vissuto lontano dal centro per mezzo i bus, mi sembra che il miglioramento sia percepipile per quanto riguarda la maggior circolazione di bici. tuttavia a bologna sono iniziati anche i cantieri per ampliare il trasporto metropolitano per mezzo di una tramvia, quindi sembra che ci si stia comunque muovendo in maniera organica per migliorare il trasporto pubblico ma è un grande fattore (quello del progetto tramvia) che l’articolo non prende in considerazione (molte strade hanno una circolazione estremamente ridotta a causa dei cantieri)
per per le molte generazioni di persone non abituate a prendere i mezzi, o che hanno acquistato un auto o più di una negli anni scorsi, sicuramente si vanno a creare delle difficoltà
poi penso ci sia un grande fattore culturale da tenere in consderazione: conosco persone che hanno l’auto parcheggiata in un garage in centro o in un posto auto (dal quale non la spostano perchè “altrimenti non troverebbero più parcheggio”), cresciute nell’italia in cui si **deve ** utilizzare l’automobile per fare tutto ma abitando in una città in cui è facile fare diversamente.
non so come viva la situazione chi vive nei quartieri molto periferici, che spesso sono un po’ più tralasciati dal trasporto pubblico
per me ci sono ancora fin troppe automobili e moto che possono girare in centro, ma più che prendermela con gli autisti penso sia giusto pretendere delle ciclabili (e dei parcheggi) degne di questo nome, così da non rischiare la vita e magari anche a non rompere troppo a chi guida