notceps [he/him]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2021

  • AFD is not ‘on the rise’, stop using cute language like they are some minor party, they are now polling at second place, they were on the rise 7 years ago when they were at 5% or at least 3 years ago when they got 10%, right now they are polling around 20% guess what the SPD polls at 16%, like 20% of the german voters are voting for a Nazi party, then another 30% are voting for you know a fascist party called the CDU/CSU, and yes they are fascist, they are fascist when they propose forcing asylum seekers to work, don’t call it slavery because they get paid 3 cents an hour, they are fascist when they send the police to monitor, infiltrate and unlawfully raid left-leaning groups like Last Generation.

    Fascism is here, it is in german politics, fascism is no longer on the rise because it is now the ideology of the two largest political parties of Germany and they both make up 50% of all votes. The protests have failed, you cannot defeat fascism by doing a protest march or burning posters there needs to be political action and the SPD, the Greens and the FDP did not act, will not act and are not concerned with fascism at all, the only action we saw get taken against AfD was not because they were fascist but because they were chummy with DER RUSSE and DER CHINESE.

    I keep having to yell at germans because they just won’t do shit and diminish the problem while this gets worse and worse, and they all give me cutesy shit like “You don’t know anything about me or how I feel about fascism/nazism, I’m a green voter” like ‘Mein Junge’ you cannot vote out fascism especially not when the major political parties are all ok with fascists.

  • Not to worry intelligence services and police already were monitoring the communications and even infiltrated left-wing extremist groups like Last Generation known terrorists that do extreme things like marches and protests.

    Like you already know this but the germans were already doing this against left wing groups. This isn’t because germans have a problem with Nazis it’s because AfD is soft on Russia and China like they’ve been Nazis for as long as they’ve been around but it’s only recently become a problem so now they acknowledge something everyone knew for literal decades.

  • Dang just a normal check gone awry, nevermind that the whole ‘we are cracking down on money-laundering’ after what CUM-EX CUM-CUM, wonder if someone high up was involved in this whole scandal like someone who used to be mayor of Hamburg guess we’ll never know.

    Like if Germany was a country that took corruption serious and this was them being overzelous I think your argument would hold water but it doesn’t. Deutsche Bank has like a scandal every other month it seems like and all the small private banks have been as well. People directly involved in major tax fraud have seen no consequences the biggest thing you’ll see again taking an example from something like Deutsche Bank is a fine that’s lower than the amount of money they got from doing the illegal thing. The FIU isn’t cracking down on money laundering, corruption and all that what they are saying ‘You ought to give us a cut’ as long as they aren’t jailing and properly fining those institutions.

    Second Germany currently has an outright nazi-party polling at 20% (AfD with them saying nazi shit over and over and being spotted at nazi-events) a covered nazi-party polling at 30% (Union defending all their nazi friends and saying the same shit but a bit more laid back) and crypto-nazi parties polling at 15% (SPD with their Scholz who thinks that they should ‘IM GROSSEN STIEL AUSCHAFFEN’ like sorry but if 65% of the votes are like this don’t be suprised when people outside of germany say that germany has a major nazi problem. The only difference now it seems is that brown people are the subhumans.

    If germany wasn’t full throttle behind Israel, if Germany wasn’t currently being dragged in front of the ICJ for facilitating a Genocide then you could be right but they are so…

    Like get fucking real germany isn’t being normal they haven’t been normal for at least the last few years when SPD was like “We gotta get way more racist” and this isn’t me being a tankie or whatever that’s me trying to take a social democratic position. They are purposefully going after pro-palestine, pro-peace activists. Just like they’ve gone after climate activist (Remember that one where the police broke federal law?)

  • No? Why don’t you put a similar amount of effort into this convo? If you want to bring it up bring it up properly instead of this vagueposting, oh no wait if you post some dodgy website like the one you did before then I can mock you for basically doing the anti-vaxxer thing where you’ll just scour the internet for the one voice that agrees with you?

    You mean like how that media outlet said ‘It’s deboonked’ even though ukranian government officials say that the people on that list were supposed to be exchanged on that day

    again this is ukranian sources the list is real but they claim that there was nobody on the plane. I don’t know maybe russia just likes to play coy and as a lark sent an empty plane and was going to suprise them and then say “Gotcha man your face when you thought there was supposed to be a prisoner exchange we got you so good” but sadly they couldn’t do this practical joke because ukr shot down the plane.

  • Again stop this just think about it, if Russia has no one on board what are they going to do if the plane doesn’t get shot down. Like you are literally just shooting at a wall then drawing a bullseye around it, ukraine can’t be at fault so let me create a scenario where they didn’t shoot POWs. I’ll repeat it again if Ukraine doesn’t shoot down this one plane that for all they know is carrying POWs then this plane would land at the exchange place and the ukrainian side could just see that no one was on the plane and they could accuse russia of baiting an international scene of all kinds of things really. This is just not a thing russia is going to do unless they 100% know that it will get shot down which would mean that they already have tons of people working for them on the ukranian side and if they did why would they shoot down a plane with a patriot missile system instead of just destroying it.

    If you apply just a tiny bit of logic all theories it all falls apart when the plan doesn’t go as planned and I think at this point Russia knows that a plan doesn’t always go the way they want it to.

    Again I don’t care what the ukrainian government says they to this day don’t claim responsibility for the rocket that killed two polish farmers after pretty much every western nation told them “This one was yours.” they just continued to say “Nuh uh” and you are still going “Well I don’t know guys I’ll just trust them on this one tho” do you need to trust what the russians say? No, but you can just try to think this through and come to the conclusion that ukrainians shot down a plane carrying ukrainian POWs.

  • Walk me through this then.

    I’m russia I’ll send a plane to Ukraine with no one on it, though I’ll claim that this plane is for a prisoner exchange. I know that the Ukranians are going to shoot down that plane because reasons.

    What do I do when that plane doesn’t get shot down? Like what do I do if it lands and the supposed prisoners are not on board?

    And the whole ‘this was a prisoner exchange plane’ is confirmed by both sides. Ukranians said quite literally after this happened “There was supposed to be a prisoner exchange happening today after this [the plane shotdown] it is no longer happening”

    Edit: Also media has lied, hell governments lie, why are the ukranians unable to lie, after they’ve been lying about all other things like remember the rocket that killed two polish farmers and how everyone fell over themselves because ukr said wasn’t theirs and then it turned out it was theirs instead of this weirdo theory that russia was able to put an s-300 inside western ukraine to shoot at a random farm in poland to cause strive or some shit like that?

  • Ships generally have to broadcast a bunch of stuff, like name, from where to where, number of crew etc. constantly while at sea, so all anyone really needs is the ability to receive broadcasts and they can receive those messages and figure out which ships to hit. If a bunch of ships are sending their info but this one isn’t you can also assume that that ship is trying to do shifty things so. Besides if they have a lot of people looking at it they can track ships from further away than just right off their coast.

  • notceps [he/him]@hexbear.nettoScience Memes@mander.xyzAAAAtoms
    8 months ago

    I call bullshit, like yeah I’m sure that’s the smallest degree or whatever, but how ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ something feels is up to way more than just temperature like humidity, wind chill if it’s sunny or cloudy so in a real example I doubt a person can notice the difference between a 66°F and 65°F day because there’s so many other factors. And you know what it is actually really bad at? Telling people when stuff freezes, you think some person from texas or nevada or any place that usually doesn’t get cold enough knows the exact freezing point in fahrenheit? Most people will guess around 30 while pretty much everyone knows that the freezing point of water in celsius is 0°

  • How does it help? Explain to me how supporting Ukraine a country that at this point now just forcibly conscripts anyone helps civilians. Have you talked to any Ukrainian women that had to flee from this conflict and that they haven’t hear anything about their husbands brothers and fathers? Were those people not civilians? Or are Ukrainian lives just not a thing? I guess it helps if Ukraine has less and less actual civilians because more and more have to get drafted into the army so some assholes can send another thousand poor people to walk across a minefield to get blown up after all if they are in the army they are no longer civilians.

    You know who it does help? US military contractors. Ukraine has received 76.8bn USD in 2022 from the USA this isn’t counting various loans that I’m sure aren’t going to be used against Ukraine to force them to privatize everything and enforce austerity policies. EU countries sent double that 140bn USD

    This is in one year from one country, we could end world hunger with a yearly investment of 23bn USD to 40bn USD, this would actually undeniably help save civilians, in fact it would save at least three times as much because the population of ukraine is something under 50mil while the population currently suffering from severe hunger is 150mil.

    The only reason why you’ve been told that this saves civilians and not you know anything else is because again selling weapons is big business and the only way governments can spend money now I guess, so yes lets save those civilians by forcing them at gunpoint to go walk into a minefield so more and more and more and more and more blood can be fed into this another horrifiyng war to fight over imaginary lines because USA liberty guns or whatever wants their stock to go up.

    If you truly believe in this shit, I think this is more of an online cheerleading thing for you, you should join up and fight the aggressor and prevent putin from doing a genocide or whatever.

  • I mean thanks for making my point I guess? Creationism doesn’t come up during the first few paragraphs at all because it’s not a relevant theory, people read the first couple of paragraphs and usually just skip the rest and that’s completely fine, so let’s see what the first few paragraphs are about:

    1st Paragraph: What evolution is 2nd Paragraph: Who came up with the theory of evolution. 3rd Paragraph: Competing ideas of evolutions and models and such. 4th Paragraph: LUCA, fossile records and general stuff 5th Paragraph: Ongoing study of various aspects of evolution.

    So ‘dispute’ comes up after long and very good and thorough explanations of evolution like people need to scroll through a ton of other stuff before they get to creationists. Creationism isn’t presented as this grand other theory it’s waaaaay down and presented as ‘[…] but it returned in pseudoscientific form as intelligent design (ID), to be excluded once again in the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District case.’

    Which article do you think addresses their topic better, which article do you think has a higher overall quality? Again Wikipedia will have a generally good quality if it’s in the STEM field but once they get to the ‘soft sciences’ the quality drops like a ton and many wikipedia users will go “I know how to do physics let me just write a short article about this event I learned about in high school”.

    The article in question is of a poor quality and it pushes the idea “The Soviets were just as bad as the Nazis” and we can see that effect all over the world now with the Canadian government giving a standing ovation to a SS-Nazi, Söder in bavaria being ok with ‘ex-nazi’ Aiwanger and any other place I haven’t heard about but I’m sure someone will tell me about nazi normalization happening in other ‘civilized nations’.

  • No that kind of language is dangerous and also false, it’d be like saying that evolution/young earth creationism is disputed. Like technically it is but the people that are disputing are arguing it out of purely ideological reasons. The Soviet famine of 1932-1933 is no longer disputed since the opening of the Soviet archives, even Robert Conquest a person that was a huge anti-communist, so anti-communist that he was in support of the contras, has walked back his Cold War language since then and has said that the soviets didn’t purposely cause it.

    It’d be like if wiki had an article up about abortion and starts with “Abortions are considered illegal in x countries” and " […] whether abortions constitute murder remains in dispute", and the article listing like abortion numbers and stuff like that.

    The article is not written from a neutral position because the average american has consumed a ton of cold war propaganda and a lot of Wikipedia has really bad slants because the overwhelming majority of its user base identifies as male (80+%), and works in STEM and/or are a white-collar worker, on top of that people from the USA are the biggest user group so their biases will dominate, like I say that as someone that managed to edit some articles on Wikipedia in the past and has given up because it is incredibly tedious if you are going against the STEM/USA/Male biases that come up over and over again.

  • notceps [he/him]@hexbear.nettoRPGMemes*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Just gently remind the player that it is a game, if they insist tell them that a Chimpanzee has a STR of 14 and since most fighters would have that or well above instead of doing the ole ‘have at thee’ they’d could just grapple them and crush their windpipe, if you have some ogre they realistically would just grab the wizard and pop them like a waterballoon but obviously no one does this because it’s boring and makes for a bad game.

  • OSCE had a mission through the entire period 2014-2022 as observers and released daily reports of the region together with ceasefire violations so we can find it for pretty much any day online like this one from 2022-02-03, and you can look up others here.

    I can’t find it anymore but there was a video floating around of Zelensky inspecting the troops and telling them to stop attacking the DNR and the soldiers telling him straight up no. Although I can’t find that video you can look at the election results from 2019, Zelensky ran on a platform of brokering a peace calming tensions with ethnic russians and general prosperity which is why Poroshenko accused Zelenski of selling out to Russia. A ton of people in eastern ukraine wanted things to calm down and that’s why he got the most votes there, but the military and the neo-nazi paramilitaries kept on doing their thing and here we are.

  • Metallurgical coal only makes up for rather small part of coal mining, around 7% of all coal production goes towards it, and while the process produces more GHG than just burning it for power it has a less profound impact because it’s just smaller. It’s also one of the places where we can’t really find an alternative, to produce steel you need to use bitumen coal because they have more carbon and less volatiles than charcoal.

    On top of that steel is extremely recyclable meaning that any steel produced can be reused pretty much 1:1 with only a small amount of energy needed.