You suck.
Eater of plants, owner of instruments, possessor of a voice.
You suck.
Wow you weren’t kidding! Athena does look a lot like “my” Stanley aside from those cute white paws. May she live forever!
Yeah we have no clue what he went through before he found my parents. He’s a tough cookie with a mind of his own and I absolutely love everything he is and does ♥️
I’d never have it any other way 😤😄
That he is! I’ll have to follow up with a picture that shows his eyes better. This guy is so beautiful!
He’s the most stunningly handsome cat (gib) I’ve ever had the pleasure of being the servant to!
Satan fears Stan, yup!
Love bites 😁
My Stan is about 8 or 9 (he showed up at my parent’s back in 2016 and I ended up adopting him – no clue when he was born) and I can only hope he lives at least that long! Hate is a powerful force, so I’m rather confident he’ll never die now. To Stanley! 🥳
Imagine a dog. Very clingy, desperate for attention… yet once you offer said attention you pay for it, literally, in blood 👍😂
Have faith! We’ll have our own cum poop soap box soon!
I love “Zeitgeist Animal”! Using it from now on!
I used Sync for Reddit for about 10 years but with the switch to the Fediverse I’ve adopted more of a FOSS mindset.
My initial reaction was vitriolic for no other reason than being disappointed due to my own expectations. I’m sure it’s still a great app and I still absolutely appreciate and respect lj; it’s just not for me anymore. But that doesn’t give me the right to force my opinion on others.
Ultimately I’m just happy we’re growing and I believe that’s what we should be focussing on.
Please don’t assume that you sound, or believe that you are, stupid or clueless. Whatever you’re going through won’t get any better if you beat yourself up, even sarcastically. Take care, you’ll pull through!
For a brief moment I could have sworn that was my little furball of fury 😍
I may be a dirty slut, but my beard holds approx. 2l of said water for future use.
Project much? You must be the life of any party…
“Kein Hass jedoch Ablehnung”
Ich lehne deine Meinung ab. Kein Hass! Finde nur, du solltest nicht an der Gesellschaft teilhaben dürfen.