Yeah hard to feel bad for people who kept supporting all the terrible shit the US has been doing right up to the point where they became personally affected by it.
I also linked right to the pdf of the declassifed doc in the video description. I guess TheCriticalMember just really needed to tell us how important they are that they don’t have 9 minutes to spare. 🤣
Yeah there are a few tools like that. I actually like this approach myself, you write it in a human readable form and then it gets compiled into a regex
Europe is rapidly entering the finding out stages of fucking around.
voting is the only way libs know how to engage politically after all
a glitch where we had our ad team write the marketing material and setup a call center that would process these policies on the backend and training the backend call center staff to process these policies and built out backend systems to store and process said policies and a mechanism to push ads to the car. Besides all the a total glitch
Europe is now discovering why China has the digital firewall and spent time ensuring that domestic companies became dominant players building out digital infrastructure.
Europe’s decades-long gamble on American patronage has finally come due, and the bill is a staggering $3.1 trillion. While the US and Russia make a backroom deal, Europe is left holding the check, scrambling to fund a war it can’t win and a peace it didn’t negotiate. European elites now face the humiliating reality of their miscalculation of relying on the US for security.
Meanwhile, Trump wields Europe’s dependence on NATO as leverage to strong-arm trade concessions, proving once again that being America’s ally is a sucker’s bet. The transatlantic partnership was always just a protection racket and Europe just got the invoice. Kissinger’s warning that it’s dangerous to be America’s enemy, but fatal to be its friend echoes louder than ever. Europe, having bet its future on Uncle Sam’s hollow promises, is now reaping the rewards of its own naivety. It finds itself bankrupt, divided, and utterly expendable.
True to form, the US is now making a deal directly with Russia over the heads of the supposed allies, and Europe finds itself demoted from being at the table to being on the menu. The continent that spent decades propping up US hegemony now finds itself locked out of the boardroom, its fate bartered by the same empire it subsidized. This is the true calculus of the “special relationship”.
Exactly, the oligarchs are largely disconnected from the realities of the world, and they don’t understand that all the power they enjoy is just a social contract.
To be clear, I’m not arguing that this will work or that it’s a smart strategy for the oligarchs to pursue. It’s entirely possible that this all backfires in a spectacular way, but I do think this is the logic behind the whole thing.
Pretty sure Europe would require basic things like industry and energy production to fight a large scale war.
you clearly are not
The fact that Europeans bet their whole future on a politically unstable country that can completely change its entire policy every four years will never stop being hilarious.
I love how you get downvoted for stating the obvious.
I definitely do think they have dreams of AI replacing workers and that’s how they think they can catch up with China. That said though, they don’t really need to be afraid of labor as long the security forces are on their side. Look at what happened in Germany or Italy in the early 30s. There was a far stronger labor movement than in US right now, and the rich paid fascist gangs to murder organizers, beat workers into submission, arrest union leaders, and so on. I imagine the oligarchs in US plan to do similar kind of stuff going forward.
I very much agree.
Real talk, how much gas did you huff before writing that comment?