I’ve already started seeing a lot of redundant communities being made here that have already existed on other Lemmy instances, and lemmy.ml is at risk of centralization and overload, so now is a great time to raise awareness of other instances.

For science topics, mander.xyz has a lot of good ones set up, and !solarpunk@slrpnk.net on slrpnk.net has been great!

edit: for new users - you can type ! to begin autofilling a community, even for ones on other instances, like I did for the solarpunk community above. It may take a few seconds for the autofill results to show up if you have a slow connection like me.

  • Scrubbles
    011 months ago

    eyyyy someone’s looked at my history lol. Factory game based instance next?

    • SmokeInFog
      111 months ago

      Well, just your avatar, but hell yeah that sounds great lol

      • Scrubbles
        211 months ago

        duh forgot lol, currently playing my third factory right now. I’ve been posting regularly to gaming to keep some new content coming in, but when we’re bigger I’d love a satisfactory community.