I’ve already started seeing a lot of redundant communities being made here that have already existed on other Lemmy instances, and lemmy.ml is at risk of centralization and overload, so now is a great time to raise awareness of other instances.

For science topics, mander.xyz has a lot of good ones set up, and !solarpunk@slrpnk.net on slrpnk.net has been great!

edit: for new users - you can type ! to begin autofilling a community, even for ones on other instances, like I did for the solarpunk community above. It may take a few seconds for the autofill results to show up if you have a slow connection like me.

  • Scrubbles
    1511 months ago

    Nope you can subscribe to other lemmy instances. You just need to know their link. For example, if you want to follow my Taylor Swift community and become a full blown swiftie like me, you can do this: (Make sure All, All, and All are selected when searching)

    • @kethali@lemmy.ca
      511 months ago

      While fine for me, I thnk this is going to be one of the bigger hurdles for newer users. It’s not the most obvious, really. I’m not sure what could help, maybe some bookmarklet exists to make it simpler to subscribe via the instance you’re using?

      • Scrubbles
        311 months ago

        Completely agree, it’s a major pain point. I’ve opened some issues on Github around it. Reddit had a manifesto that joining communities should the easiest thing to do, and we need to do the same here.

      • @dfyx@lemmy.helios42.de
        211 months ago

        Something very similar exists for Mastodon in the form of FediAct so it’s probably only a matter of time until someone makes a browser extension for Lemmy.

    • @iod@lemmy.ml
      211 months ago

      Small tip: you don’t have to search with an exact link there, simply searching for “Swift” would’ve found your instance.

      • @Dave@lemmy.nz
        411 months ago

        Only if your server already knows about the community. If you’re the first person on your server (more likely if your server or the one you are subscribing to are small) then you’ll need either the full URL or at least the !taylorswift@poptalk.scrubbles.tech part.