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Qo’noSian catholic church - We killed the gods. We will do it again.
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I just find it very ironic that the church has a bad rep for abusing children and then they decide to make the anime mascot a small child.
Sweetie, it’s not Christian unless it’s John Wayne in a Knight’s Templar helmet shooting a black kid in the back.
Tbf I guess, the first thing that came to mind is
Luce -> Lucifer
C’mon it’s the literal first thing that comes to mind!
Yeah it’s so obvious that I can only think maybe it doesn’t have the same connection in Italian and they just didn’t focus group it lol
Luce = light, Lucifer = light bearer (his job before he rebelled)
There are only so many Latin words; at some point they’ve to use some word that looks like some other word.
Fun fact: Latin have at least 24 synonyms for “fame, glory” and it’s not like they were obscure, they were all in common usage
So Lucifer is her mother, got it
I find it funny that “Trad” Caths reject the most basic and essential part of Catholicism and hate the pope.
Hating the pope is actually one of most basic and essential parts of the catholicism, just after XVIII century stakes fell considerably lower.
Yeah I was raised catholic, gave it up when i was like 10, but the one thing that pisses me off is these new catholics. Old mexican catholics don’t dare disrespect the pope but these new age catholics think they can?!?!?!
Half of tradcaths are bigger weebs than I am, what is so offensive about Luce?
She is my new comfort character
I just don’t get why they called it Luce. Like that’s such fertile ground for the conspiracy theorists who are all about how the catholic church is putting out secret statements that they follow the devil.
While the Latin mass bollocks is gone, Catholics are still expected to know a few Latin words, and Luce = light is one of them. So any conspiracy theorist who stirs shit over this can be safely dismissed as an ignoramus.
Latin mass bollocks is gone
Unfortunately not, there’s a fairly sizeable (and growing) subset of Catholics still doing everything in Latin.
No, they have a point. If organized religion doesn’t suck. How are you going to build up a debt of energy so that you cna never leave because of sunk costs? Making you suffer is a key feature of that form of social organization reproducing.
Look, all I’m saying is they missed a PRIME chibi in a giant hat moment, and I am incredibly disappointed.
The church has an official Shota now. This is a little on the nose.
Counterpont: it’s basically a funko-pop.