Silly Canada. The only organs worth harvesting are magical Falun Gong organs.
Those are hard to catch tho. Always levitating away and through walls 'n shit.
liberals only care about organ harvesting when they think it’s from china
So they were projecting all along.
Well well well, now that’s an interesting development! I take it it’s a lucrative business? Are aging capitalists actually attempting to prolong their lives with organs?
They’re trying everything they can.
I recall as well.
A lot of this is straight out of Lexx.
The super rich are injecting blood from teenagers to gain ‘immortality’
In the old days if someone expressed intent to take another’s blood, we’d drive a wooden stake through their heart and then burn the body to make sure they didn’t reanimate.
Reject moderity, embrace tradition.
Wait is that why vampires don’t age cause they drink others blood? Never really thought that through.
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Capitalism is incredible. Every single time when something is invented that can potentially be used for evil, under capitalism, for profit, it will be. Like a clockwork.
Noooo, but China!!! Chiiiiinaaa!!!
Sisipee organ harvesting operations in wholesome non genocidal Canada smh
I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise