
A friend of mine wants to be more secure and private in light of recent events in the USA.

They originally told me they were going to use telegram, in which I explained how Telegram is considered compromised, and Signal is far more secure to use.

But they want more detailed explanations then what I provided verbally. Please help me explain things better to them! ✨

I am going to forward this thread to them, so they can see all your responses! And if you can, please cite!

Thank you! ✨

  • The
    1 month ago

    They have to know who the message needs to go to, granted. But they don’t have to know who the message comes from, hence why the sealed sender technique works. The recipient verifies the message via the keys that are exchanged if they have been communicating with that correspondent before or else it is a new message request.

    So I don’t see how they can build social graphs if they don’t know who the sender if all messages are, they can only plot recipients which is not enough.

      1 month ago

      But they don’t have to know who the message comes from, hence why the sealed sender technique works.

      Anyone who’s worked with centralized databases can tell you that even if they did add something like that, with message timestamps, it’d be trivial to find the real sender of a message. You have no proof that they even use that, because the server is centralized, and closed source. Again, if their response is “just trust us”, then its not secure.

      • The
        1 month ago

        From what I understand, sealed sender is implemented on the client side. And that’s what’s in the github repo.

          1 month ago

          How does that work? I wasn’t able to find this. Can you find documentation or code that explains how the client can obscure where it came from?

              1 month ago

              Okay. But this method doesn’t address that the service doesn’t need the message to include the sender to know who the sender is. The sender ('s unique device) can with 100% accuracy be appended to the message by the server after it’s received. Even if we trust them on the parts that require trust, the setup as described by the blog doesn’t do anything to prevent social graphs from being derived, since the sender is identified at the start of every conversation.

              If we trust them not to store any logs (unverifiable), then this method means they can’t precisely know how long a conversation was or how many messages were exchanged. But you can still know precisely when and how many messages both participants received, there’s just a chance that they’re talking to multiple people. Though if we’re trusting them not to store logs (unverifiable), then there shouldn’t be any data to cross reference to begin with. So if we can’t trust them, then why are we trusting them not to take note of the sender?

              The upside is that if the message is leaked to a third-party, there’s less info in it now. I’m ignoring the Github link, not because I don’t appreciate you finding it, but because I take the blog-post to be the mission statement for the code, and the blog doesn’t promise a system that comprehensively hides the sender’s identity. I trust their code to do what is described.

                30 days ago

                The sender ('s unique device) can with 100% accuracy be appended to the message by the server after it’s received.


                If I share an IP with 100 million other Signal users and I send a sealed sender message, how does Signal distinguish between me and the other 100 million users? My sender certificate is encrypted and only able to be decrypted by the recipient.

                If I’m the only user with my IP address, then sure, Signal could identify me. I can use a VPN or similar technology if I’m concerned about this, of course. Signal doesn’t consider obscuring IPs to be in scope for their mission - there was a recent Cloudflare vulnerability that impacted Signal where they mentioned this. From

                404 Media asked daniel to demonstrate the issue by learning the location of multiple Signal users with their consent. In one case, daniel sent a user an image. Soon after, daniel sent a link to a Google Maps page showing the city the user was likely in.

                404 Media first asked Signal for comment in early December. The organization did not provide a statement in time for publication, but daniel shared their response to his bug report.

                “What you’re describing (observing cache hits and misses) is a generic property of how Content Distribution Networks function. Signal’s use of CDNs is neither unique nor alarming, and also doesn’t impact Signal’s end-to-end encryption. CDNs are utilized by every popular application and website on the internet, and they are essential for high-performance and reliability while serving a global audience,” Signal’s security team wrote.

                “There is already a large body of existing work that explores this topic in detail, but if someone needs to completely obscure their network location (especially at a level as coarse and imprecise as the example that appears in your video) a VPN is absolutely necessary. That functionality falls outside of Signal’s scope. Signal protects the privacy of your messages and calls, but it has never attempted to fully replicate the set of network-layer anonymity features that projects like Wireguard, Tor, and other open-source VPN software can provide,” it added.

                I saw a post about this recently on Lemmy (and Reddit), so there’s probably more discussion there.

                since the sender is identified at the start of every conversation.

                What do you mean when you say “conversation” here? Do you mean when you first access a user’s profile key, which is required to send a sealed sender message to them if they haven’t enabled “Allow From Anyone” in their settings? If so, then yes, the sender’s identity when requesting the contact would necessarily be exposed. If the recipient has that option enabled, that’s not necessarily true, but I don’t know for sure.

                Even if we trust Signal, with Sealed Sender, without any sort of random delay in message delivery, a nation-state level adversary could observe inbound and outbound network activity and derive high confidence information about who’s contacting whom.

                All of that said, my understanding is that contact discovery is a bigger vulnerability than Sealed Sender if we don’t trust Signal’s servers. Here’s the blog post from 2017 where Moxie describe their approach. (See also this blog post where they talk about improvements to “Oblivious RAM,” though it doesn’t have more information on SGX.) He basically said “This solution isn’t great if you don’t trust that the servers are running verified code.”

                This method of contact discovery isn’t ideal because of these shortcomings, but at the very least the Signal service’s design does not depend on knowledge of a user’s social graph in order to function. This has meant that if you trust the Signal service to be running the published server source code, then the Signal service has no durable knowledge of a user’s social graph if it is hacked or subpoenaed.

                He then continued on to describe their use of SGX and remote attestation over a network, which was touched on in the Sealed Sender post. Specifically:

                Modern Intel chips support a feature called Software Guard Extensions (SGX). SGX allows applications to provision a “secure enclave” that is isolated from the host operating system and kernel, similar to technologies like ARM’s TrustZone. SGX enclaves also support a feature called remote attestation. Remote attestation provides a cryptographic guarantee of the code that is running in a remote enclave over a network.

                Later in that blog post, Moxie says “The enclave code builds reproducibly, so anyone can verify that the published source code corresponds to the MRENCLAVE value of the remote enclave.” But how do we actually perform this remote attestation? And is it as secure and reliable as Signal attests?

                In the docs for the “auditee” application, the Examples page provides some additional information and describes how to use their tool to verify the MRENCLAVE value. Note that they also say that the tool is a work in progress and shouldn’t be trusted. The Intel SGX documentation likely has information as well, but most of the links that I found were dead, so I didn’t investigate further.

                A blog post titled Enhancing trust for SGX enclaves raised some concerns with SGX’s current implementation, specifically mentioning Signal’s usage, and suggested (and implemented) some improvements.

                I haven’t personally verified the MRENCLAVE values for any of Signal’s services and I’m not aware of anyone who has (successfully, at least), but I also haven’t seen any security experts stating that the technology is unsound or doesn’t actually do what’s claimed.

                Finally, I recommend you check out - some of the issues noted there involve the social graph and at least one involves Sealed Sender specifically (though the link is dead; I didn’t check to see if the Internet Archive has a backup).

                  27 days ago

                  If I share an IP with 100 million other Signal users

                  That’s already not very likely, but ignoring IP, you’re the only one with your SSL keys. As part of authentication, you are identified. All the information about your device is transmitted. Then you stop identifying yourself in future messages, but your SSL keys tie your messages together. They are discarded once the message is decrypted by the server, so your messages should in theory be anonymised in the case of a leak to a third party. That seems to be what sealed sender is designed for, but it isn’t what I’m concerned about.

                  daniel sent a user an image…

                  Right, but it’s not other users I’m scared of. Signal also has my exit node.

                  What you’re describing is (not) alarming (…) Signal’s security team wrote.

                  I mean if strangers can find my city on the secret chat app I find that quite alarming. The example isn’t that coarse, and Signal, being a centralised platform with 100% locked down strict access, they well could defend users against this.

                  What do you mean when you say “conversation” here?

                  When their keys are refreshed. I don’t know how often. I meant a conversation as people understand it, not first time contact. My quick internet search says that the maximum age for profile keys is 30 days, but I would imagine in practice it’s more often.

                  Even if we trust Signal, with Sealed Sender, without any sort of random delay in message delivery, a nation-state level adversary could observe inbound and outbound network activity and derive high confidence information about who’s contacting whom.

                  That is true, but no reason to cut Signal slack. If either party is in another country or on a VPN, then that’s a mitigating factor against monitoring the whole network. But then if Signal is sharing their data with that adversary, then the VPN or being in a different country factors has been defeated.

                  Here’s the blog post from 2017

                  I appreciate the blog post and information. I don’t trust them to only run the published server code. It’s too juicy of an honeypot.

                  I don’t have any comment on SGX here. It’s one of those things where there’s so many moving parts and so much secret information, and so much you have to understand and trust that it basically becomes impossible to verify or even put trust in someone who claims to have verified it. Sometimes it’s an inappropriate position, but I think it’s fine here: Signal doesn’t offer me anything, I have no reason to put so much effort into understanding what can be verified with SGX.

                  And thanks for the audits archive.

                    26 days ago

                    you’re the only one with your SSL keys. As part of authentication, you are identified. All the information about your device is transmitted. Then you stop identifying yourself in future messages, but your SSL keys tie your messages together. They are discarded once the message is decrypted by the server, so your messages should in theory be anonymised in the case of a leak to a third party. That seems to be what sealed sender is designed for, but it isn’t what I’m concerned about.

                    Why do you think that Signal uses SSL client keys or that it transmits unique information about your device? Do you have a source for that or is it just an assumption?

    • Arthur
      29 days ago

      They have to know who the message needs to go to, granted. But they don’t have to know who the message comes from, hence why the sealed sender technique works. The recipient verifies the message via the keys that are exchanged if they have been communicating with that correspondent before or else it is a new message request.

      So I don’t see how they can build social graphs if they don’t know who the sender if all messages are, they can only plot recipients which is not enough.

      1. You need to identify yourself to receive your messages, and you send and receive messages from the same IP address, and there are typically not many if any other Signal users sharing the same IP address. So, the cryptography of “sealed sender” is just for show - the metadata privacy remains dependent on them keeping their promise not to correlate your receiving identity with the identities of the people you’re sending to. If you assume that they’ll keep that promise, then the sealed sender cryptography provides no benefit; if they don’t keep the promise, sealed sender doesn’t really help. They outsource the keeping of their promises to Amazon, btw (a major intelligence contractor).

      2. Just in case sealed sender was actually making it inconvenient for the server to know who is talking to who… Signal silently falls back to “unsealed sender” messages if server returns 401 when trying to send “sealed sender” messages, which the server actually does sometimes. As the current lead dev of Signal-for-Android explains: “Sealed sender is not a guarantee, but rather a best-effort sort of thing” so “I don’t think notifying the user of a unsealed send fallback is necessary”.

      Given the above, don’t you think the fact that they’ve actually gone to the trouble of building sealed sender at all, which causes many people to espouse the belief you just did (that their cryptographic design renders them incapable of learning the social graph, not to mention learning which edges in the graph are most active, and when) puts them rather squarely in doth protest too much territory? 🤔