Il 21,6% dei bambini iscritti alle scuole primarie di Roma, ha problemi a scrivere in corsivo. È quanto emerge da una ricerca condotta da Carlo Di Brina (dirigente di Neuropsichiatria infantile dell’Umberto I), Barbara Caravale (del Dipartimento di «Psicologia dei processi di sviluppo e socializzazione» della Sapienza) e Nadia Mirante (Unità di Neuropsichiatria dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza del Bambino Gesù), e pubblicata sulla rivista Children nel febbraio del 2023.


In questo 21,6% rientrano anche bambini disgrafici o con disturbi più ampi, come per esempio il disturbo di coordinazione motoria.

La tanto citata tecnologia - tablet, smartphone e computer - ha invece un ruolo limitato nello sviluppo della capacità di scrivere in corsivo: “L’uso massiccio e continuato di dispositivi elettronici può certamente condurre allo sviluppo di disturbi come deficit d’attenzione, ma ha molta meno attinenza con la scrittura”.

cc @scuola @mcp @MariuzzoAndrea @bibliogadda…

  • 🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
    2 years ago


    People have asked about setting up our code before and I know for a time some people did run forks of QOTO,. I dont recall the instances or even they are still up though. That said I do know of many instances that have taken code from QOTO.

    As for our choice to let our users decide federation rather than the main admin, I dont disagree it was a gamble and has caused some to throw shade at us. However as I explained it came as adirect response and the at the request of our LGBTQ community. They made a clear argument why that choice was neccesary for their safety, and we decided their safety was the priority over any effect on public opinion. So while you arent wrong about your accessment of that choice I would argue it was still the correct choice.

    What is concerning is Gargron basically thought that decision, one in which our LGBTQ communities safety was prioritized over popular opinion, is one he felt punishing exclusively due to popular opinion (he was aware of our stance for years and approved of it right until people started to break out the cancel culture nonsense).

    @Shamar @treleonora @mcp @MariuzzoAndrea @bibliogadda @stefanodazzan