I’d be happy if we could just join the EEA. I want to be able to work in the EU.
I think it is not that hard for you if you are a Canadian citizen. The language is the real problem.
Washington, Oregon, and California as Canada’s 12th province. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and the northern 20% of Illinois and Indiana as the 13th.
I only hear Americans pitching this idea. Canada doesn’t want any of the states haha
I’m Canadian, I don’t hate the idea.
In any case, it’s clear that the USA is less “United” these days… It’s more just … The States of America now.
There’s like a lot of shitty people even in those states. I love Washington but no thanks.
Which is all part of the EU. Sign me up
Why not? I would vote yes to allow Canada into the EU.
How about the US just becomes provinces 14-64? I’ll gladly take anything else.
You want more convoys? Ingesting the US will give you nothing but cancer. If it’s not a city or a suburb, you’re just absorbing indoctrinated fascism. It’s pervasive.
Yea, I’ll take the top 20.
Mexico can take the bottom 30
Nah sorry we’re not taking the red states. They can be their own Christofascist hell elsewhere.
make a list of the ones y’all want we can work out a deal
Can I raise you the proposal of Canada and Jesusland
this looks like a dragon head with cat / dragon torso and cat legs
Indeed, I like that map.
Alaska needs to be integrated though, don’t want another Kaliningrad.
So just all of new england, the pacific northwest and California.
California already goes to Denmark though
Is Canada having issues with sovereign autonomy? Why even sit at the table?
Türkiye is gonna be pissed.
Türkiye needs to get rid of its Erdoğan problem then.
Wouldn’t mind it one bit
The EU 🇪🇺 is more than welcome to include Canada 🇨🇦 as the 28th member state 🤝
I mean we did kinda get our asses kicked in 1812 after we started a war the president would later say we were unprepared for.
At a minimum any states bordering Canada, including those bordering the 4 Great Lakes shared with Canada, should get a vote of which country to go with.
Pennsylvania is 100% included, and honestly if Indiana and Illinois go for it despite being on the “wrong” Great Lake, I’m not going to complain.
You can give us Buffalo any day. I love that city so much.
Jesus Christ, yes please!
Why are non-European countries even allowed to participate?
Because Australia were mega fans, so they invited us :3
All countries associated with the European Broacast Union can participate.
Brazil, Peru, Japan, India, and even China and the US could participate too.
Russia and Lybia used to be part of the EBU but they were suspended. They know what they did.
All countries associated with the European Broacast Union can participate.
Theoretically yes, but associated members (in contrast to full members) still need to be approved on a case by case basis.
Active members (as opposed to associate members) of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) are eligible to participate; […]. Associate member broadcasters may be eligible to compete, dependent on approval by the contest’s reference group.[49]
Eurovision is organised by the European Broadcasting Union, which includes basically all countries in the European Broadcasting Area (basically Europe + all of the Mediterranean). Those include Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Armenia, etc. They have always been allowed to participate. Australia is an outlier. They just got a special invitation.
Are we going to be called anti-Semitic?
Aren’t we anyways? Who cares at this point. Nazi, antisemitic… Russophobe. I’ve been all of these lol. I’ve even been called a homophobe even tho I am literally gay.
This is genius!
New update just dropped
One hell of a trading block and the EU GDP would leave the MAGA fucks in their dust trail.
Ya know, when you put it that way
Tap for spoiler
Pun intended. Get rocked.
That doesn’t look as absurd as it might seem at first!
especially once the north pole melts
I don’t see Erdogan being very happy about this map tho
Erdogan doesn’t care about Turkish EU membership.
Might be some geographical issues (perhaps of the ocean variety) with this proposal
new caledonia and french guiana are laughing it up from the southern hemisphere
Well, Ireland is separated from the rest of the continent by ocean. Canada is just a slightly bigger island, slightly further away…
There is French territory just off the coast of Newfoundland too (see Saint Pierre and Miquelon), also Denmark is right next door because of Greenland. So while still pretty far fetched, there is some precedent for European territory in North America.
Canada shares a land border with Greenland on Hans Island.
Ireland is separated from the rest of the continent by ocean.
The Celtic Sea is not an ocean.
By that logic then Vancouver Island isn’t an island because the Juan de Fuca is a strait not an ocean
They didn’t say Ireland wasn’t an island because of it… But, for the record, Canada isn’t an island anyway so…
I wasn’t awake when I wrote that but I still think they meant to imply it doesn’t make it an island. Poor reader here I guess.
Maybe canada can be the first member of a post-European EU. I guess we’ll need a new name.
Cyprus is already the first non-European EU member.
Earth United!
Sounds like a football club that has no one to play against.
Earthed Union the EU.
White supremacist imperialist conglomerate (non-US version)?
Once again, we are forced to raise the lingering question: Are Italians White?
As a European, I think it would be pretty funny if, after Brexit, the other parts of the former Empire joined the EU.
But at least right now, membership is probably more of a meme - some solid cooperation and shared institutions would be amazing, though.
EU already said this can’t work. It said in the rules only European countries can join the EU. But something can be worked out, no doubt.
EuropeanWorldwide UnionGlobalists but for real this time.
Membership of the European Economic Area - same as Norway - for example.
Comes with being part of the EU Internal Market, Freedom Of Movement (both ways, of course) and exceptions in a couple of areas (such as fishing rights not being decided by the EU, which I suspect is something that Canada would rather have) but without voting power within the EU.
Canada becomes a France province, easy.
Or France becomes a Canadian one and switch to English as the primary official language. It would solve a ton of issues and I’m sure the French would be okay with it.
It’s been ok so far in Canada.
Where did they get all those torches and pitchforks so fast?
You have to be “substantially European”, which includes Cyprus, which is fully in Asia and half Turkish. Also, Greenland and to a degree Iceland aren’t geographically European.
Neither Greenland nor Iceland are in the EU.
No, but French Guiana is, and it’s in South America.
kind of
Ah shit, you’re right about Iceland. I thought it was for some reason.
Greenland like usual has no data (because WTF is it really? Independent? A territory?). Denmark definitely is, though, and Greenlanders presently get the full benefits of that.
Well, we do share a land border with Denmark. Sooooo…. we’re practically European already!
And France (Saint Pierre) I think? Thanks CBC Gem!
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, right by Newfoundland. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon
That’s a sea border, but the idea is the same.
In fact, the distance between the shores of Newfoundland and St. Pierre and Miquelon is shorter than the width of the English Channel at the Straits of Dover (25km vs 34km).
Don’t get me wrong I’m all for it but by this logic we can also include South America (French Guyana), central America (Caribbeans) all Pacific Islands (French Polynesia), Africa (too many to list), Indian subcontinent (la reunion) and Oceania (nouvelle Caledonie).
I look forward to Hawaii joining the EU :D
We share a land border on the recently divided Hans Island.oops misread the threading