sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-bad-multiverse
That was all automatic in the background or unnecessary. Go ahead and remove your terminal, see how long you last
Ill try that and remove my terminal emulator
Oh no my precious nvim is gone :<
Did you not make a backup?
I uhh… don’t think that’s a 1:1 comparison. Remove your Windows terminal/powershell and see how long your software lasts?
It’ll be fine, really
K, enjoy your day
Aww, not up for the challange?
Of what? Was there a challenge that you offered?
I said your statement wasn’t 1:1. You responded with… what? nothing? Am I confused or are you? Honestly though, because you didn’t say anything of substance. Maybe your meaning was lost in text or something?
Hmu when you have something productive to say I guess
Edit: I’m assuming that you are quite literally talking about removing (uninstalling) terminal… maybe that’s the disconnect. But go ahead with yourself anyway, I’ll still shred you apart if I can keep interest (I won’t keep interest, you’ve already proven your inability to discuss. “A CHALLENGE‽‽‽”. Fucking lame)
Ah, it’s you again
If ya wanna troll, try and make it funny for others, at the very least. I mean… damn dude. Be better
Well at least it’s not Norton and Bonsai Buddy
Bonsai Buddy
You take that back. For some of us, Bonsai was our only buddy.
K-lite and MPC-HC are better video players than any of the Linux offerings Ive looked at. VLC is okay, but MPC has a much better UX
I am stuck with k-lite and mpc hc but I admit vlc is a better player per ability. Trash ui but it does play literally anything which can be players straight out of the box.
Yet I wish mpc would be ported to Linux.
Ugh. As much as I like vlc, I have to agree. Mini rant time.
It absolutely boggles my mind that the vlc devs refuse to implement automatic loading of prev/next tracks in the same folder, a basic feature that pretty much every other major player has, because it’s not their intended use pattern.
This is a convenience feature to save the user selecting tracks and making a playlist every time they want to watch a few sequential videos (i.e. episodes) in a row.
While I do think it’s unreasonable to ask devs to implement a feature in their own software that they don’t want, it’s also bull-headed decisions like that that hold back mainstream adoption.
On Linux I use mpv.
Also switched to it as my player of choice on Mac (and Windows too, when I was still using Windows)
It doesn’t have a dedicated “next file” button like mpc-hc but it’s scriptable, so I added a simple one-liner so that shift+right or shift+left open the next or previous files in the folder, works great :)
On the rant subject, I’m with you. I had the exact same journey on my path to find an mpc-hc replacement. It’s fine for the VLC devs to not accept a request, they’re doing all the work after all. But it’s wild that they dismiss it completely and say there is “no use case” and you should just “make a playlist”
The very fact that lots of people are asking for it is clear evidence that there IS a use-case that’s not covered by existing functionality, or people wouldn’t be asking!
You don’t sit down at the PC and think “Okay I’m going to watch a few episodes, let’s create a playlist!” No - you sit down, double click a file, watch it, and then as the credits roll you think “I want to watch another”
Every streaming service on the planet figured out this is how people want to watch, not to exit back out and go to the menu (or in the OS case the folder) to find the next one.
It’s only the difference of a few seconds, but when you’re accustomed to having that functionality, it’s painful when it’s missing.
‘I wrote a script to handle loading videos because nothing already existed with a good UI and the devs of the biggest project in the space insist their way is better than 20 years of their users requesting another way’ is the most Linux thing I’ve ever heard of.
I don’t mean this in a good way.
That’s honestly probably the play.
There is a kinda kludge of a workaround with a plugin, but then there’s no way to get plugins to auto-load whenever a video is first loaded, so you still have to go through the menus to create “automatic” folder playlist. And that’s nearly the same amount of friction as making a playlist.
Wrote my own with python-vlc, very easy, has all my mouse buttons for controls.
Highly recommend.
mpv 4 lyfe
mpv is GOAT
They said “good ux”
Sorry y’all Linux users have Stockholm syndrome
Thats the thing tho, MPV can literally have any UX you want
Sorry y’all Linux users have Stockholm syndrome
What a backwards thing to say. The doors are not locked here in FOSS land, I think you are projecting.
Yeah, even if mpv isn’t your flavor, you can always install countless other video players. If you want something familiar, just use VLC.
If you want something similar to mpc, mpc-qt is pretty decent
Forgive my ignorance, but who are the characters in this meme?
(They’re from the show Invincible)
Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power is a line of dialogue spoken by Omni-Man to Invincible in the animated TV series Invincible during a fight between the two. The line is in reference to a pair of fighter jets, used to illustrate how weak humans are in comparison to superhumans. (source)
I’ve never seen the show, I just thought it was a funny meme.
Best Win tool is the Chris Titus Win Tool. I’m using it on my Win VMs. I’m using Linux btw
I use arch btw
to be fair Linux has CPU governors so there is similar software.
not that you’d adjust priority per application but the tweaking aspect for performance is there
Also there are different configurable schedulers, and you can use nice to adjust priorities
Do any of those things still exist tho?
Fuck I had to DDU like once a week playing helldivers with my amd 5700 XT on windows
They all exist for Windows 11. DDU is highly recommended from what I’ve seen in forums.
Never heard of it, been using windows for gaming for 25 years. Sometimes I think people are just…not good at things.
Same with lasso. Klite is of course the goat, won’t pretend I’ve never heard of it. Last time I used it was…2010? I think that’s about right. Windows defender I guess is there, but I’m generally unaware of it.
If you uninstalls display drivers from control panel, windows leaves some changes that were made when installing the driver, like registry edits. This can sometimes cause issues, especially if you are putting in a new GPU from a different brand. Not guaranteed by any means, but this doesn’t have anything go do with a lack of skill.
Process lasso I’ve only head about in the context of r9 x3d CPUs since windows scheduler sometimes doesn’t run the game on the optimal CCD, some games have lower performance compared to the r7 x3d that can be fixed this way.
I found the simple life ain’t so simple!
When I jumped out on that road
I got no love, no love you’d call real
Ain’t got nobody waitin’ at home!
Aah, yeah!
Running with the daemon!