• Slatlun@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I get that you’re asking a real question, but having something unexplained is not evidence. It is a just a question.

    Once you remove actual observable, repeatable data from the conversation anything is possible. Speculation can be fun for its own sake. It can also be productive if we try to find out if it is true.

    • ganymede@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      yeah, i agree its fun to question these things really.

      also, i suppose we could say, there’s ALOT more we can observe which is unexplained about this, than there is eg. an invisible friend following you (as far as I’m aware hehe).

      but yes, i agree there’s currently no clear evidence any of it exists.

      basically i got passingly interested in this topic a while back (‘life’, not woo products lol), as far as i got was essentially we don’t know. so when people say eg. “x doesn’t exist”. but in fact we just don’t know.

      here’s about as far as i got on the topic before moving onto other things. some random “interesting” bits in no specific order:

      This had also been found from work done 18 years earlier in the Miller-Urey experiment which if I recall used arc discharge rather than a stricly thermal regime [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller–Urey_experiment]. But essentially you have this gas mixture which simulates prebiotic earth atmosphere, and subject it to various conditions for example simulating lightening, and it can produce amino acids. And we can see the absorption lines of those gases all around the universe. Pretty crazy and interesting.

      • Seeds are actually already living, and living in dormant “suspended animation”. Apparently they very very slowly use up a store of energy and possibly interact with other systems while dormant, and may actually live many thousands of years. The oldest reported successful germination i’m aware of was a 2,000 year old date seed [Sallon et al, 2005]. There was some they thought might be 10,000 years old but the sample turned out to be contaminated. [http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=4405].