• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    52 years ago

    I imagine Intel and AMD must be freaking out right about now. This is a great article explaining why x86 fundamentally can’t compete with RISC and SOC architecture.

    TLDR is that SOC allows efficient sharing of memory without the need for the bus with both CPU and GPU can read and write to the same memory locations. Meanwhile, RISC instructions are fixed length which allows the chip to read a batch of instructions find ones that can be computed independently and run them in parallel. This facilitates massive parallelization that’s inherently impossible to do using CISC approach.

  • @loki@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I’m sure it is very fast and Intel deserves all the shit they get for stagnating, but i’m not taking a word of a youtuber who runs the benchmark and then shows the result on a browser. Inspect Element anyone?

    Views are all they care about and these hype trains are their money makers.

  • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    Anyway there isn’t any report of the test results and apart o this test is on a Mac Page, it can simply be a auto-advertizing “test” to promote Apple products. There are several pages with a list of “test-results” of different soft, where one is a lot better than any other, made by someone, without specs how and in what conditions are made this “tests” Anyway, speed tests are very relative, because the differences in modern soft are microseconds and irrelevant for the real world use.