For me it was these.

“A focused fool can accomplish more than a distracted genius”

“Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter”

These two quotes really helped get my @** in gear.

    7 months ago

    “In the corporate world, nobody has any compassion, ever.” - A friend told me as I was about to take my first real job. Brutal and maybe exaggerated, but exactly what I needed to manage my own expectations.

      7 months ago

      A Corporation is:

      • an incorporated “person”, that
      • is legally-obliged to be psychotic, narcissistic, machiavellian, sociopathic-psychopathic, and short-termist/nihilist, using all the systemic-dishonesty that it can, for gain
      • the only dimension of the DarkHexad that it isn’t obliged to be, is sadistic… that’s optional.
      • it cannot ever be put in prison, because it’s a herd, not an individual: it can dissipate, but it cannot die, or be forced to experience karma: only individuals can be truly-accountable.

      ( DarkHexad:

      • narcissistic
      • machiavellian
      • sociopathic-psychopathic
      • nihilist
      • sadist
      • systemic-dishonesty )

      ( all this to say that the legalistically-enacted-treason of granting “personhood” to corporations killed strategic-viability for all countries, and the highjacking-of-the-world’s-economy AND the world’s-governments, by corporations, is global unfolding proof.

      What should have happened, is a separate category of pseudopersons should have been created, with systematically-limited rights, including prohibiting the things from interfering in elections,

      but that would have required some real integrity & spine… )

      ( finally, for anybody so young/naive as to believe that charities are inherently-good, go volunteer in the management of one for a few years, & then see how you view integrity… )