Isn’t soap supposed to kill all that stuff? Wouldn’t germs die when in contact with it for too long?
Isn’t soap supposed to kill all that stuff? Wouldn’t germs die when in contact with it for too long?
Bello, grazie! Ho iniziato a seguire qualche account che non sapevo fosse su masto
Great! I love having updates here! Keep up the good work!
I got a simple “thanks for subscribing” line above the mail field, and I am using the internal browser for the “liftoff” app
deleted by creator
Moreover, making those lists easily shareable would make it such a better experience!
Da un po’ di tempo a questa parte ho fatto un abbonamento a Ground news. Interessante sia per avere diversi punti di vista, che per vedere la copertura mediatica di un certo evento. Per il resto internet e TG regionali di Rai 3 per le cose vicino a me; reddit, youtube e newsletter varie per cose di settori più specifici. Come notiziari a volte guardo su youtube la versione inglese di al Jazeera
I was thinking more about php road runner, which now that I see it its not a php extension but a standalone application server https://roadrunner.dev/
actually that model is now optional thanks to some PHP extensions which can bypass the bootstrap and keep everything running. But it’s not something that is always needed, since the share nothing architecture works fine for most use cases
Not necessarily. He was already sick for quite some time, so it was not as involved with everything as in the past.
Non avrei mai pensato di vedere questo giorno. Credevo davvero che sarebbe durato ad infinitum
Well, TIL more than one thing!