What is this “minimal bloatware” of Mint exactly?
I don’t know Arch or your DE, but purple is your OS’s accent color. perhaps the issue is not in qt5 but somewhere else like /usr/share/themes, ~/.themes or ~/.local/share/themes.
(sorry, english is not my first language) what does it means “negatively politically oriented”?
You say noise creators as if there’s creativity involved
I actually don’t even like their “products”, I’m just glad that the leeches are not happy.
I see you don’t speak capitalism. Allow me to translate: Spotify is not making (enough?) ads money on independent noise creators. Big record labels are not making any money on independent noise creators. These leeches are outraged that they cannot profit onto those paesants’ work, but they say it like they were losing money (that is not true) because they don’t want to sound like leeches.
I don’t think they can be forced to comply. Even if they have a local office they can just leave and tell Macron to fuck off. The government will probably force ISPs to block Mozilla’s website (at DNS level because politicians/idiots) and nothing will actually change.
The real shit would be if the EU wanted this…
I ricchi rischiano di perdere miliardi, ecco perchè insistono a farci andare in ufficio:
the composite last names of both the italians is typical of ancient, rich and maybe noble families, so at least for them it might be money.
I think this is how The Last of Us begins.
Don’t you even try. The people voted the Tories, UK is not a dictatorship. We are paying the consequences of our stupidity.
The same as Bing
…due to the USA’s economic troubles?
Strano, io pensavo le tasse si pagassero solo quando le vendi o quando incassi dividendi (se non sono azioni di accumulo). In UK poi non pago tasse se i rendimenti sono sotto i 1000£ all’anno.
che se la disputino in un’arena presieduta da Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
Owning a house that you don’t inhabit is weirder.