I totally forgot to post this last week and didn’t remember until middle of the week. Anyway I’ve been playing the Binding of Isaac but I am at my parents house for the holidays so I’ve not been Gaming the past couple days. Happy Holidays everyone 🫡

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    I came to the conclusion that Cities: Skylines is too basic, and C:S 2 doesn’t really seem like it adds all that much, so I started playing Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. The game offers a lot of difficulty options, so you can make it play somewhat like C:S if you want to, but it is an entirely different beast in it’s “realistic mode.”

    In Cities: Skylines, you plop down a power plant, pumping station, sewage drain, run some cables and pipes, zone some residential, and unpause the game. In WR:SR, you must manage the logistics and construction of all these things. The sewage and water mains can only run from higher elevation to lower elevation, unless you install additional pumping stations. The electrical network requires you to build switches and transformers to step from 105KV to 22KV to 230V, and appear to observe Ohm’s Law with regards to current and voltage drop. You also need to build heating plants and pipe steam to your residences and public services.

    All of this infrastructure must be built by workers and machines. All these machines have fuel tanks which need to be filled, wear and tear which requires maintenance. Even something as simple as road construction requires delivery of construction materials, workers, and machines, and while that work is being done, no traffic is getting through. If you are not careful, you can block your buses carrying your workers to the heating plants in the dead of winter and cause a death spiral. It takes several hours of gameplay to get to the point where your first citizens can move in.

    It took me several attempts before I could even start settling people, but here is my first residential microdistrict. My infrastructure is already absolutely cursed. That’s the other thing. Once something gets built, you need a demolition crew to dismantle it, so if there is a power pole where you want your road to go, or an inconveniently located water main junction is preventing you from building a factory, you need to send more work crews and excavators and garbage trucks and haul the scrap to a dump. And that will shut down services for anything relying on that power pole / junction box.

    • uSSRI [he/him]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      I’ve been playing unicorn overlord by vanilla ware and it’s a pretty fun game. Interesting combat, can get as involved with it or not as you want, but it’s all auto set based on equipment and stats.

    • Inui [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      Dragon’s Crown is not volcel-judge approved, but it’s a very good game of its type and to be fair, pretty much everyone is overly sexualized. I should go back and finish it some day. It had a PS3 and PS4 release as well.

      • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]@hexbear.net
        3 months ago

        It runs pretty well on my retroid, and is good for a grab and go game. Do a quest to kill 10 minuted, get some exp and watch numbers go up, rinse and repeat. I have the remaster of Odin Sphere installed too, from my understanding that one has some light platforming too, which would make it more my jam anyways.

        Aside from that, been on a Wipeout kick, and F Zero GX. Basically any fast paced futuristic racer, with stuff to unlock. Oh and the Need for Speed games.

  • Inui [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Started Dragon Age 2. It’s immediately apparent that it was lower budget and lower quality than the first game, which I completed all 100+ hours of after all the DLC a while back. But I’m still having fun. I never played it because of the negative reviews around its release, but I’ve been done listening to gamers for a long time. They don’t actually read anything but RPG quest text and Twitter posts, so they can’t tell good writing from a dollar store novel. And too many of the opinions about these games revolve around character sexuality.

    I’m here for the rock armor and pretending I’m an earthbender while I shoot stone fists at people. Working my way up to Veilguard because I tried to start it and was already lost at the descriptions of all the character backgrounds and choices that depend on what you did in Inquisition.

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Beat all decks on Gold difficulty finally for Balatro. The Black and Nebula decks were the last two and took a lot of tries. Now it’s on to beating each challenge and getting Gold on all jokers.

  • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Picked up Metal Slug Tactics on the Steam sale. Been waiting 3 years for that game. It’s appropriately difficult, as those games used to devour my quarters in the arcades. My only real complaint is that they got Marco’s face all wrong.

    Edit: Also Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. They just finished Shadows Over Bögenhafen and are in the process of sailing to Altdorf.

  • AshenWolf [she/her]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    I’m playing Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia again, and it’s making me remember just how much I enjoy that game. I mean, it adds up, considering I’m in the middle of Fire Emblems Awakening, Fates, Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Genealogy of the Holy War, and The Morrow’s Golden Country (romhack). Where did all of that bring me? Back to SoV.

    I’ve also started a Fire Emblem Warriors playthrough with my sister, and it’s so fun to see what characters she gravitates to. I never knew she liked certain characters until now, and it’s also interesting to see her reactions to certain strange characters (Camilla). I never knew Corrin was her favorite Fire Emblem character until this, and this has given me the impression that she would be a Fates-head if given the chance.

  • Gamer_time [he/him]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Gotta be Project Zomboid, with Build 42 unstable out, there is a wealth of new things to test out. Quite buggy, unsurprisingly, like the bowl duplication glitch or whetstones being uncraftable. But that’s peanuts to the fact that the map is expanded, animals are added, guns are totally different and crafting if much more interesting. And all the pieces of flavor! The randomized basements, novelty keychains, dice of all varieties, books and magazines have titles (and are no longer eaten by your character after reading) tons of new zombie stories (I found a silver ring on a “rude letter” on a kitchen counter, I guess a zombie apocalypse is a good time as any for divorce) it’s just so much and so good. And it’s not even all balanced or polished yet, it’s only up from here!

    Combat is also totally different, with muscle strain and randomized zombie behaviour, its more difficult to cheese them, and now leveling strength and weapon skills are doubly important as it reduces muscle strain. And guns, yes, no longer are they “melee weapons with a really long range.” They actually spawn 3d bullet objects when fired and have to be aimed properly at the undead. Jams are too frequent tho, so I modded those out. The JS 200 shotgun is a real blast!

    Well, not experiencing the “proper” game rn tho. Computer is very weak, so I reduced zombie count a lot. Still keep getting scratched tho, I blame lag!!

  • DaniJam [she/her]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    I’ve been playing a lot of Half Life 2. That shit is so awesome. I absolutely have fallen in love with it. Played it for the first time at the beginning of this month, beat it a while ago, and about to move onto HL2: Episode 1.

    • Inui [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      I tried to play it again last year and I thought it was definitely better than when it released. The shooting feels fun. I think it’s kind of a No Man’s Sky situation though where no matter what they did to the game, if you didn’t like the core of what it was, it’s not going to matter. If you liked it and were just a bit iffy about some things, it might go better this time.

  • amber (she/her)@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Trying to stay motivated to finish Final Fantasy 6, I’m really loving it but my brain is ready to move on to something else. Otherwise I’ve been playing a bit of the full release of Halls of Torment. I gave Dungeons of Blood and Dream a try, it’s got a cool aesthetic but I don’t know if this one is for me. The game itself didn’t really hook me, plus the controller support isn’t great and playing on m/kb was hurting my hands. I tried Balatro too, it’s pretty fun. I think I was expecting more because so many people were talking about how amazing it is.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Decided to give Ultima IV a whirl since 1 was pretty boring and I lost my interest in it. IV has much more meat on the bone and feels like a traditional rpg with party members, overworlds with fast travel, and towns with npcs you can dialogue with. Pretty much an upgrade over one which was bare bones…probably because it was designed and coded by one guy, Richard Garriott

  • GrosMichel [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Friend came over so we played more Silent Hill 3 (like 1/2 through now maybe?) and then we started Metal Gear Solid Integral and did the first 2 bosses. MGS1’s kinda’ janky, honestly, but outside that it’s super good. I really like it.

    On my own I’m playing Captain Toad Treasure Tracker on the Nintendo Switch (hacked) since I never played the Switch-exclusive levels and that Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics thing Nintendo also did. Which is actually a cool way to introduce someone to a bunch of board/dice/card games. Never played Hanafuda before (could probably dig it if the cards were marked more visibly like standard playing cards). Mancala is really fun, might actually get a physical board of that sometime soon.

    Wanna’ finish Far: Changing Tides and the Elden Ring DLC which I recently got back into at some point after stalling out since October.

  • uSSRI [he/him]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    So close to 100%ing Unicorn Overlord. It’s kinda fun but gets pretty same-y 2/3 of the way through. Fun overworld to run around on and quests. Battles can be skipped so that’s nice too!

  • Moonworm [any]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Metaphor Refantazio continues to deliver me a cute little guy saying silly knight shit with fantastic menus and music. I’ve learned the rhythm and order of operations for the game’s various features and I’m excited to see where it goes next.

    I’m considering making a thread for a hexbear game of Dominions 6. Would anyone be interested in that? I’m imagining a game that’s pretty casual and geared toward teaching people to play multiplayer. Maybe even being open with our builds and what we’re doing? Let me know if that is something you’re interested in.