Kagi, search engine a pagamento
Kagi, search engine a pagamento
Da utente abbastanza navigato ma ancora alla scoperta di Linux, non mi pare niente di controverso. Esistono altri sistemi operativi e kernel che svolgono molto determinati lavori di Linux. Piuttosto mi pare più sensato sfruttare linux per quello che fa già in modo egregio e lasciare altre mansioni molto più specifiche e importanti a sistemi sviluppati ad hoc
Oh Elon, what has become of you
Come specificato da altri, l’account di Threads è quello di instagram quindi non ci vedo niente di strano.
Con tutti problemi che ha Threads, mi pare che concentrarsi su questo sia poco utile
Ad agosto Pocket passerà ad un nuovo metodo per l’autenticazione, migrando agli account Firefox.
Comunque sembra che non cambierà nulla per gli utenti che sono già loggati prima del 15 agosto, ma non sarei così tranquillo.
Not even available here in Italy, so no. But don’t care at all, all these massive companies should just die
Occhio che tra circa 1 mese pocket non funzionerà più sul Kobo
Yes and I am an idiot 🤦♂️
Yes and because of the stupidity of it they now say that it’s made that way to protect te connector against corrosion. Usually toslink cables are all plastic so I would really like to see how it corrodes
I like your story, but it’s completely wrong 😂
Half Life uses a derivate of the Quake 1 engine called GoldSrc, it has completely nothing to do wit the Far Cry engine, not even remotely
You could be right, but I present you evidence for even more stupidity…
Gold plated toslink cables
I really don’t think they have the pace to hold on to Max even for a couple of laps
Haven’t used google once in 8 months. Try it yourself, with a free account you have plenty of searches at your disposal
It was great! A simple and beautiful UI, packed to the brim with features for the hardcore user but yet still very easy to use for noobs. It made navigating Reddit a joy and it was constantly updated. You could clearly see it was a labor of love from the developer.
I still have to try that, I use Lemmy (and Reddit before) exclusively od the iPad. But based on what’s on the Girhub page, it looks like it works on a PC
Basically outside of Youtube I don’t use any Google service. Started by migrating to Kagi search, and while it requires a subscription, its a price I am willing to pay for a search engine that actually work good.
Everything else I use a mix of FOSS and subscription services.
As an alternative you can self host wefwef so that should alleviate some of the concerns
Currently using it on my ipad and it’s actually really good. Don’t care if it’s not a native app, it’s still very performant and usable
Currently writing this from WefWef. Thanks for the suggestion, it’s really a great app
007 style, has a full RB racing suite under this one, just in case lol